Between October 11 and 13, 2023, in Bucharest, the National Research and Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry, ICHECHIM, hosted the XIXth Edition of the International Symposium PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - PRIOCHEM.
Within the Workshop Portable miniaturized opto-electrochemical systems for in-field measurements Syswin Solutions was invited to present its profile and achievements following a good recent collaboration within a research project coordinated by ICECHIM. The presentation, Searching Solutions for Applications, exposed the two planes in which Syswin Solutions operates, Industrial Research and Application Development.
The chain between them was highlighted, emphasizing the solutions resulting from the Innovative Platform for Versatile M2M Applications - PRIAMM Project for Precision Agriculture - SysAgria and the Smart City - Smart Air City, SysParking, SysTraffic and the return to a higher level in research through Projects such as Components’ assembly and interconnection through combined solderless technologies - COMPACT and System of forecasting and warning of biotic risks in barely, oats and rapeseed crops - SYCPE.
The special achievements in the field of precision agriculture were mentioned: the first LoRa mesh network in Romanian agriculture and the first wireless NPK sensor in Europe.
In the end, the company's openness was expressed for collaboration in new projects that would bring together the competences in the field of sensors of the research institutes and companies present at the Workshop and the competences of Syswin Solutions in the field of IoT.