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System for forecasting and warning of biotic risks in barley, oats and rapeseed crops – SYCPE

Updated: Jul 22

Project general information:

Project: System for forecasting and warning of biotic risks in barley, oats and rapeseed crops – SYCPE

Financial support: The Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI); P2 Programme: Increase the Competitiveness of the Romanian Economy through Research, Development and Innovation; Subprogram 2.1: Competitiveness through research, development and innovation.

Project type: Transfer to the economic operator

Contract number: 112PTE/2022

Period: 2022 - 2024



The aim of the SYCPE Project is to reduce crop losses (barley, oats, and rapeseed), due to biotic risk factors, by carrying out phytosanitary treatments only at the right time and protecting the soil and biodiversity, avoiding their excessive application, as diffuse pollution with agrochemicals which represents a threat to soil and water table.

The Project's general objective is to align with the goals of the European Commission to reduce the impact of pesticide use on the soil by developing a forecasting and early warning system with the potential for commercial exploitation as a product. The Project will bring together the competencies of Syswin Solutions in the field of IoT technology applied to precision agriculture and the competencies of the Research and Development Institute for Plant Protection.

The innovation of the SYCPE system consists of integrating risk calculation and analysis modules represented by specific pests. The alert system will be focused on the automatic elaboration of the forecast and warning bulletins, specialized on the three crops, to which are added predefined models harmonized with the national and international legislation regarding the phytosanitary treatments executed, thus ensuring the traceability of the obtained crops. The SYCPE system, through its subsequent transfer to the market as a finished product, could be an essential tool within reach of farmers.



Coordinator: Syswin Solutions SRL, Romania

Partner: Research and Development Institute for Plant Protection, Romania



Stage 1 - Elaboration and demonstration of the functionality of the proposed new model.

30.06.2022 - 31.12.2022

Act.1.1. Development of the experimental model of the new SYCPE solution – Initiation.


Expected results

Evaluation of the hardware and software structure of the experimental model. ♦ Establishing the specifications of the new system. ♦ Hardware and software development of the SYCPE experimental model. ♦ Retrieval of databases and integration of mathematical models of pest growth/development. ♦ Adaptation of mathematical models related to diseases caused by specific pathogens for rapeseed, barley and oat crops. ♦ Adaptation of mathematical models related to the stages of development of harmful insects in rapeseed, barley and oat crops. ♦ Adaptation of mathematical models for forecasting BBCH stages related to rapeseed, barley and oat crops. ♦ Integration of 15 mathematical forecasting and warning models (9 diseases, 3 pests and BBCH stage of the three crops). ♦ Full definition of the processes that will be carried out at the level of data acquisition.

Achieved results

All undertaken activities have been completed.


Stage 2 – Functionality demonstration and realization of the new SYCPE product in an industrial environment.

01.01.2023 – 31.12.2023

Act.2.1. Completion of the development of the experimental model and Demonstration of the functionality and validation in laboratory conditions of the proposed model.

Act.2.2. Development of the initial reference (specification – initial version).

Act.2.3. Dissemination of industrial research results.

Act.2.4. Realization of the SYCPE prototype – Initiation.

Act.2.5. Initiation of industrial experimentation of the SYCPE prototype.


Expected results

Completion of the experimental model. ♦ Testing the hardware and software components of the experimental model and the application of mathematical models in laboratory conditions. ♦ Generating and applying test scenarios for hardware and software modules. ♦ Software integration of mathematical models developed and adapted by ICDPP. ♦ Generation of specific tests on a database of experimental information owned by the company. ♦ Validation of the experimental model. ♦ Elaboration of the reference for the hardware and software components of the SYCPE prototip. ♦ Elaboration of the reference for the mathematical modeling modules. ♦ Realization of the hardware and software components of the SYCPE prototype. ♦ Prototype testing and demonstration. ♦ Monitoring of experimental data from sensors; analysis and interpretation of measured data. ♦ Writing a Scientific paper.

Achieved results

All undertaken activities have been completed. The scientific paper „Determining method for the phenological stage of spring established crops of Hordeum vulgare L., Hordeum distichon L., and Avena sativa L., by using atmospheric temperature”, by the authors Viorel Fătu, Carmen-Mihaela Botea, Roxana Zaharia, Cristina Fătu, Răzvan Ungurelu, Gaudențiu Vărzaru, Roxana Tulea, was accepted to publish in the ISB-INMA TEH Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering.


Stage 3 – Testing and validation of the new SYCPE product in an industrial environment.

01.01.2024 – 20.06.2024

Act.3.1. Completion of prototype manufacturing and testing. Demonstration and industrial validation of the SYCPE prototype.

Act.3.2. Development of the SYCPE manual for market application preparation.

Act.3.3. Innovation activities and support activities – Protection of intellectual property rights. Filing a patent application.

Act.3.4. Dissemination of experimental development results.


Expected results

Completion of the testing and validation of the new SYCPE product in the industrial environment ♦

Assuring and surveilling of the communication system of the prototype ♦ Monitoring of the

experimental data from the sensors ♦ Analysis and interpretation of the measured data and

comparison with the defined reference ♦ Demonstration of the prototype in industrial conditions

(TRL6) ♦ Development of the manual for the hardware and software components of SYCPE ♦

Elaboration of the manual for the reference data of SYCPE ♦ Writing and submitting the patent

application ♦ Writing a scientific article ♦ Other dissemination activities: participation in an event,

project’s website, roll-up, flyers.

Achieved results

All undertaken activities have been completed. Validation of the forecasting models and the system has been successfully carried out for the diseases of the barley covered smut (Ustilago hordei) and oat powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis), as well as the identification of powdery mildew (Erysiphe cruciferarum) in rape, and for pest forecasting by field confirmation in the oat crop , of the presence of aphids (Myzus persicae) in the egg-larva stage, the second generation. It can be stated that the SYCPE prototype achieved its main objective regarding the forecast of diseases and pests that appeared in the agricultural year 2023-2024 in a percentage of 100%, and the secondary objective, the forecast of phenological stages, in a proportion of 97% in terms of accuracy (9-day deviation of the biological cycle forecast from the 240-day barley crop duration) and 75% in terms of the duration of the experiment. ♦ The SYCPE User Manual was developed for market application preparation. It presents technical specifications and maintenance instructions for the hardware component, a description of the graphical user interface, and minimal phytopathology and entomology concepts related to the diseases and pests targeted by the forecasting system. ♦ An invention patent application was submitted to O.S.I.M. for a method and apparatus for preventing and monitoring plant disease. ♦ The scientific paper „Considerations regarding barley germination”, authors Viorel Fătu, Cristina Fătu, Carmen-Mihaela Botea, Roxana Tulea, Gaudențiu Vărzaru, Răzvan Ungurelu and Mihai Secere, was accepted for publication in BIO Web of Conferences, eISSN: 2117-4458, indexed in Scopus, Clarivate Analytics, DOAJ, Google Scholar. ♦ The research results were disseminated at several events such as: International Exhibition AgriPlanta-RomAgroTec 2024, Fundulea, May 23-26, 2024 | 15th edition of the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation EuroInvent, Iasi, June 6-8, 2024, where Gold Medal Diploma was awarded 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering, EE&AE 2024, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Bulgaria, June 27-29, 2024.



In the framework of the project entitled "System for forecasting and warning of biotic risks in barley, oat and rape crops" carried out in the period 2022-2024, the SYCPE system was proposed and implemented, which can monitor and forecast the dynamics of phytosanitary events related to the risk of disease, pest development stage and phenological phase of barley, oat and rape crops.

The system contributes to the reduction of pesticide consumption by recommending phytosanitary

treatments based on risk warnings, which usually have a lower incidence than the number of

treatments recommended by classic treatment schemes. This also results in protecting the

environment by avoiding the accumulation of pesticides in the soil. The forecasting system is based

on the calculation of thermal time, meaning the sum of degrees of useful temperatures, necessary

for the development of the physiological and morphological processes included in the life cycle of the monitored organisms and microorganisms. The system can predict with high precision the opportune moments to carry out phytosanitary treatments, but it cannot estimate the density of pathogens and the existence of forms of propagation of phytopathogens. When using short- and medium-term weather forecast data, the system is able to report abiotic risk projections up to 10 days in advance, which allows users sufficient time for crop management measures.

As the performance of the system can be specified the accuracy of determining the stages of

development of pests, crops and the incubation process of the disease of ±3% of the thermal

constant, a physical-biological parameter that characterizes the duration of the life cycle of species or various biological processes.



Informing the public about the start of the SYCPE Project, the proposed solutions, and the target

users was made on the occasion of the scientific event "Digitalization of plant protection - challenges and perspectives in Romania" organized by the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu - Şișești" – Field Plant Culture Section on September 22, 2022, Bucharest.


August 30 – September 3, 2023, FarmConnect Romania, Slobozia

During the second edition of the FarmConect Romania Fair, which was hosted by the Municipality of Slobozia, the SYCPE Project was presented to the participants by the partner Institute for Research - Development for Plant Protection. In front of the thematic Roll-up the objectives of the project and the expected benefits were presented by PhD. candidate Viorel Fătu to the visitors, among whom we were also honored by the presence of the vice-president Dr. Eng. Aurel Florentin Badiu of the "Gheorghe Ionescu Şișești" Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.


September 7 - 10, 2023, Agroalim, Arad

Syswin Solutions participated in Agroalim, the largest profile exhibition in western Romania and one of the most important at the national level, with a stand where the SYCPE Project was presented to visitors. PhD. candidate Eng. Răzvan Ungurelu, the Project Director, presented the economic benefits for farmers as well as the beneficial consequences for the environment in the case of the implementation of such systems.


October 5 - 6, 2023, International Symposium ISB-INMA TEH 2023, Bucharest

A paper with the title "Determining method for the phenological stage of spring established crops of Hordeum vulgare L., Hordeum distichon L. and Avena sativa L. by using atmospheric temperature" was presented during the Poster session at the International Symposium ISB-INMA TEH 2023, which took place within the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica, Bucharest. The work was supported by PhD. candidate Eng. Viorel Fătu, Project Manager from the partner Institute for Research and Development for Plant Protection.


November 16, 2023, Annual Session of Scientific Communications of the Research & Development Institute for Plant Protection, ICDPP Bucharest

During the Session hosted by the Aula Magna of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (ASAS) PhD. candidate Eng. Viorel Fătu, Project Manager from the partner ICDPP, gave a presentation entitled System for forecasting and warning of biotic risks in barley, oats and rapeseed crops. In addition to the Purpose and objectives of the SYCPE Project, the Results and Conclusions obtained during the two stages carried out so far were presented.


23 – 25 May 2024, AgriPlanta-RomAgroTec 2024, Fundulea

Syswin Solutions was present at this Exhibition attended by companies from Romania and 9 other European countries with their own stand. Discussions were held with visitors, including farmers with whom Syswin Solutions has previous collaborations, with representatives of other companies present at the Exhibition, about the benefits that the new SYCPE solution brings. The collaborative research activity with the Bucharest Plant Protection Research and Development Institute was appreciated, as a guarantee of a competitive product.


June 6-8, 2024, EuroInvent 2024, Iasi

At the 15th edition of the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, EuroInvent, the project manager of the partner ICDPP Bucharest, PhD. Eng. Viorel Fătu, presented the novelty of the solution researched within the Project. The presentation was particularly appreciated so that the International Jury of the EuroInvent 2024 event awarded the Gold Medal Diploma to the authors.


27-29 June 2024, 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering Conference, Ruse, Bulgaria

At the 9th International Conference EE&AE 2024 hosted by Angel Kanchev University in Ruse, the scientific work "Considerations regarding barley germination" by the authors Viorel Fătu, Cristina Fătu, Carmen-Mihaela Botea, Roxana Tulea, Gaudentiu Vărzaru, Răzvan Ungurelu and Mihai Secere was presented. The paper was based on research carried out within the SYCPE Project. The presentation took place during the 3rd Poster Session, Friday, June 28, being supported by the Project Manager of the ICDPP partner, PhD. Eng. Viorel Fătu (P3.17).


July 18, 2024, BIO Web of Conferences

The paper "Considerations regarding barley germination", by Viorel Fătu, Cristina Fătu, Carmen-Mihaela Botea, Roxana Tulea, Gaudentiu Vărzaru, Răzvan Ungurelu and Mihai Secere was published in the peer-reviewed, online journal BIO Web of Conferences, Volume 122 (2024), eISSN: 2117- 4458. The journal is published by EDP Sciences, an international academic publisher founded in 1920. The journal is indexed in Scopus, a comprehensive, multidisciplinary and trusted database of scientific literature, data and analysis for research and education published by Elsevier.

The article number is 01023 and has the identification number This is an Open Access article distributed under the

terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.

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